

solarpunk | hacker


Posted on Tue 19 May 2024 in misc • 4 min read

The Story Engine Card Creator

I've just finished working on an app - The Story Engine Card Creator based on 小火箭加速 by Peter Chiykowski, with its source available on Github on aGPLv3!


A few months ago a friend sent me an interesting Kickstarter campaign - The Story Engine, a card game of writing prompts, helping people generate new stories or challenge themselves to write short fiction about whatever they draw. It offered five kinds of cards, each presenting you with a few options to choose, even after the initial random drawing happened.

An Agent card (An Artist / A Dancer / A Writer / A Musician), an Engine card (Wants To Finally Tell The Truth About/Is Trying To Spread A Lie About), an Anchor card (A Shrine / A Simulation / A Drug / A Dream), a Conflict card (But Their Family Stands In The Way / But It Will Cost Them The Only Family They Ever Known) and finally, an Aspect (Blighted / Thoughtful / Icy / Brilliant). Drawn those from their separate decks, I can tell a story about

An Brilliant Artist, Who Wants To …

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Posted on Sun 08 March 2024 in misc • 4 min read

Sustainable Cities by James McKay Sustainable Cities by James McKay

火箭加速器 安卓 官网

英特尔®创新加速器 | Edison超级积木:创意不再受限,无人机,爬虫机器人,探空火箭,只要你愿意,x86的edison可众随你踏遍地球上的每一寸空间。 SD卡支持 KIT-PRO保留了标准arduino扩展板上的SD卡扩展槽,用户从此可众不受板载4G Flash的限制,安装更多linux软件,实现更复杂的软件功能。

Po dłuższym zastanowieniu proponujemy więc nowe tłumaczenie: trwalny.


W ciągu ostatniej dekady wiele osób pisało o Solarpunku – głównie po roku 2014.

Jako gatunek jest on jeszcze bardzo słabo zdefiniowany.

Poniższy Manifest Solarpunka jest kreatywną re-adaptacją pomysłów i postulatów wielu autorów. Część z nich można znaleźć w Solarpunk: a reference guide oraz Solarpunk: Notes towards a manifesto Adama Flynna.

Manifest Solarpunka

一种固体火箭发动机滚转贮存过程加速方法及其装置与流程:2021-5-15 · 本发明涉及一种固体火箭发动机试验方法,尤其涉及一种大型固体火箭滚转过程加速其药柱和粘接界面的监测试验方法。背景技术作为固体火箭发动机最重要的部件,药柱是由固体推进剂制成的。固体推进剂是粘弹性材料,当固体火箭发动机长期卧式存放时,在自身重力作用下药柱会发生蠕变引起燃 ...

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Posted on Mon 08 July 2024 in misc • 9 min read

This blogpost is a written version of a talk I originally was to give at re:publica 2024 in Berlin. Sadly, I couldn't attend the conference due to some health problems.

EDIT: Thanks to Artes Mobiles I had an opportunity to give this talk at 36th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig, Germany, in December 2024. You can find the slides at slides.com.

Several years ago I visited a hackerspace for the first time. At the time I was a Computational Neuroscience student, wanting to learn so much, but being constantly told I need to "wait out" my first few years of theoretical studies before I can lay my hands on any EEG equipment. I heard that hackers learn everything hands-on and are not limiting their curiosity. That proved true.

Hackerspace CC-BY-SA Mike Liuzzi Hackerspace CC-BY-SA Mike Liuzzi

I immediately fell in love with what I saw: people exploring technology not waiting for anyone's permission. If they - or their friends - had a problem, they just started looking for a way to solve it. They were able to fully dedicate …

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Posted on Tue 05 March 2024 in misc • 7 min read

This is the second blogpost from my "technological narratives" series. The first was How Elon Musk takes Wikipedia's place.

火箭加速器官网 Cory Doctorow CC-BY-SA Gregory Katsoulis / Pixabay Anonymous

What might come to a surprise to a lot of people, the hacker movement exists outside of the Hollywood movies and computer games with a "hacking" skill. It's a full-fledged culture with its own set of values - like technological ownership and independence, a right to privacy, knowledge and cultural participation without limits.

Hackers are much more than black-hat cybercriminals and edgy teenagers breaking into school networks. How come we don't hear about hacker-inventors, creators of the infrastructure we all rely on - or activists pointing out the problems in the corporate systems all around us? Why have they become a cliche molotov-throwing anarchists while we completely omit squats and co-op culture?

Simply put, hacking culture does a very bad job at communicating its values and achievements to the mainstream. With very few dedicated advocates or storytellers understanding them, it's easy for a writer to use hacking as an aesthetic for …

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Posted on Mon 07 January 2024 in misc • 5 min read

For the last several months I've been attempting to write a comprehensive blogpost-manifesto summarizing my research into technological narratives in popular culture - and hackers' place in it. Since all the drafts I produced were overly long and hard to get through, I decided to cut the subchapters into shorter and easier to understand blogposts.

OP/LEDE软路由当旁路由加速上网设置教程_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つ ...:2021-5-11 · 《手把手教你玩转OpenWRT系列》之——VM虚拟机安装OpenWRT软路由当旁路由视频教程,N1盒子当旁路由配置可参考此教程。

Here's the first blogpost:

CC0 SpaceX CC0 SpaceX

Why does our culture promote Elon Musk - a PR-savvy businessman - as an icon of technological progress and invention, while silently omitting millions of real people taking part in knowledge-sharing projects such as Wikipedia?

To answer that question, we need to look at the heroes of modern mythologies we create - and their relation to technology. For most of people living in the Western, English-speaking culture, the most prevalent mythology would be that of superheroes, be it DC, Marvel, or one of the lesser known publishers. The …

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Posted on Thu 03 January 2024 in misc • 2 min read

At 35th Chaos Communication Congress I had an opportunity to give a lightning talk titled "We need to tell a better story than cyberpunk". You can find a recording of it below, and the slides are available here.

加速器 OpenTranscripts volunteered their work and wrote down the transcript of my talk. Thank you!

My goal was to show hackers that by repeating the dystopian cyberpunk tropes in their own narratives they're hurting their own agenda. The general public, seeing them as senseless rebels, doesn't even stop to consider valid points they raise, like the net neutrality, tech accountability or the value of privacy.

I believe we can change that by painting new world based on hacker values - but this time inclusive for the regular people, bakers and schoolteachers. Such world wouldn't require everyone to learn how to code or secure a server, but we could all benefit from the cultural technologies of transparent knowledge sharing, open dialog about technology and distributed, horizontal power structures.

A newly-born narrative which offers all those is Solarpunk with a …

火箭加速器 安卓 官网


Posted on Thu 03 January 2024 in misc • 4 min read

Od pięciu lat prowadzę w Polsce darmowe wykłady z podstaw cyberbezpieczeństwa dla gimnazjów, liceów i grup zainteresowanych. Jest to temat niezwykle istotny we współczesnym świecie, a którego bardzo ciężko się nauczyć bez odpowiednich źródeł. Wielu dorosłych opuściło szkołę bez możliwości zrozumienia jak dbać o swoje bezpieczeństwo w Sieci, a młodzież nie zawsze ma dostęp do wiedzy znajdującej się poza podstawą programową.

CC-BY-SA Leszek Janasik

Rok 2018 był szczególnie owocny jeżeli chodzi o Cryptoparty: udało mi się poprowadzić je w liceach i gimnazjach w Gliwicach, Warszawie, podwarszawskich Wołominie i Milanówku oraz online dla uczniów z nauczaniem indywidualnym.

Ankieta po zajęciach w Społecznym Liceum Ogólnokształcącym nr 5 w Milanówku przyniosła też bardzo duży postęp: aż 90.2% uczniów biorących udział w wykładzie zadeklarowało, że będzie teraz znacznie bardziej ostrożnych korzystając z Internetu! Kolejne 火箭加速器 安卓 官网 uczestników wyraziło chęć udziału w zajęciach praktycznych, co jest świetnym wynikiem jak na klasę bez profilu informatycznego. Jak pisze anonimowo jeden z uczniów:

Podchodząc do zajęć spodziewałem się trywialnych porad mówiących o zaufaniu do innych internautów i udostępnianiu informacji. Zdecydowanie można było odczuć, że pan …

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Posted on Sun 04 November 2018 in misc • 2 min read


After deleting my Facebook account I decided to reorganize my social media life. There are many, many arguments why to leave Facebook: a "simple" privacy preference, unwillingness to allow mass-manipulation of votes by data mining companies, fear of a potential addiction to likes/shares and shortening our attention spans.

For me the most important was the realization that Facebook is manipulating me directly. I began seeing that only a small subset friends and news articles appear in my feed. I could try countering that with few options like "unfollow" and "close friends", but that would only give the giant more data about me! While I somehow accepted that every single like I click gets quantified and sold, the outrage porn Facebook served me every day and a strong disincentive to contact my less-polarized friends strongly affected my worldview and well-being.

I no longer wish to take part of that. I'm not interested in outrage porn and clickbaits, especially knowing how much I enjoy them. Instead, I want to read more worthwhile articles, blogposts and books …

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Posted on Fri 28 September 2018 in misc • 1 min read

Today I finally permanently deleted my Facebook account. I'm still taking a longer break from all the other social media, but please feel free to contact me or subscribe to this blog.

Solarpunk: notatki do manifestu

Posted on Wed 11 July 2018 in misc • 4 min read

Poniższy tekst jest moim tłumaczeniem tekstu Adama Flynna, który w 2014 roku został zamieszczony na wiki Projektu Hieroglyph. Jest to pierwsza kompleksowa próba opisu nowopowstającego ruchu literackiego i nowej wizji przyszłości zwanej "Solarpunkiem".

Copyright by Olivia/Land of Masks and Jewels

Copyright by Olivia/Land of Masks and Jewels

Ciężko jest być futurologiem mając mniej niż trzydzieści lat.

W trakcie naszej edukacji - niezależnie od kraju, który nam ją zapewnił - mieliśmy okazję spotkać się z prezentacjami na TEDzie czy 小火箭加速器1, pięknie zaprojektowanymi reklamami ekologicznej konsumpcji i organizacjami pozarządowymi promującymi zrównoważony rozwój. W tym samym czasie dorastaliśmy jednak z zapowiedziami zagrożeń mających ziścić się zanim jeszcze przejdziemy na emerytury - tak z powolną acz nieubłaganą militaryzacją policji2, jak i elitami politycznymi całkowicie niepotrafiącymi poradzić sobie z istniejącym, ale jeszcze nie tak pilnym zagrożeniem zmiany klimatu. Wielu z nas sądzi, że nieetyczne jest sprowadzać dzieci na taki świat. Wyrośliśmy w cieniu tych zagrożeń i jeżeli czasem przypominamy grzyb - jest to komplement dla naszych umiejętności przystosowawczych.

火箭加速器PC版_火箭加速器破解版 v3.0.3.9 最新免费版 ...:2021-5-9 · 火箭加速器PC版是一款功能强大网络加速器,这款软件可众提供高效稳定的加速服务,并且采用智能防护系统,隐藏用户的真实IP地址从而避免用户本地IP被封。计费采用按小时计费,非常适合偶尔上上游戏的选择使用,性价比更高。

W obietnicach Singularystów i Transhumanistów jest miejsce dla jednostek, nie …

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Artykuł 11: gorzej zrozumiane zagrożenie

Posted on Tue 03 July 2018 in misc • 5 min read

Kontynuując mój wczorajszy artykuł na temat reformy prawa autorskiego na jednolitym rynku cyfrowm UE chciałbym przyjrzeć się Artykułowi 11, nieopatrznie okrzykniętym "podatkiem od linków".

European Union Parliment CC-BY-SA Diliff

European Union Parliment CC-BY-SA Diliff

W przeciwieństwie do dość jasno opisanego (i zbyt ogólnego) Artykułu 13, 11ty dość ciężko zrozumieć bez zaglądania do kilku innych tekstów prawnych. Z całym tekstem można zapoznać się pod tym linkiem.

Dość dobrą analizę tych zapisów opublikowała europosłanka Julia Reda, pisząc (tłumaczenie moje):

Dowolny podmiot używający fragmentów materiałów prasowych w Sieci musi wpierw nabyć licencję od ich wydawcy. Prawo to wygasałoby dopiero 20 lat od momentu publikacji.

Jak dodaje Krzysztof Siewicz z Fundacji Nowoczesna Polska:

Prawo autorskie nie chroni informacji, a jedynie twórcze sposoby wyrażenia tej informacji. To nowe prawo wydawców jest tak skonstruowane, że pojawiają się wątpliwości, czy nie będzie ono dotyczyło już samej tej informacji. Ktokolwiek pierwszy udostępni jakąś treść, nawet jeżeli będzie to proste opisanie faktów, zyska w świetle tego prawa wyłączność na dalsze udostępnianie tego.

Nie jest to więc podatek od linków 加速器, a wymuszenie posiadania licencji, by móc cytować …

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(Nie) zamierzone efekty reformy praw autorskich w UE

Posted on Mon 02 July 2018 in 小火箭加速 • 6 min read

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

O co chodzi?

Dwudziestego czerwca tego roku Komisja Prawna Parlamentu Europejskiego zarekomendowała dyrektywę dotyczącą reformy prawa autorskiego na jednolitym rynku cyfrowym. Od tego czasu europejski Internet ogarnął chaos, aktywiści zaczęli grzmieć o (kolejnej) możliwości końca wolności w Sieci, a poszczególne oddziały Komisji Europejskiej starały się uspokoić obywateli. Co więc się stało? Jakie są prawdziwe zagrożenia, jakie niesie reforma?

Do sprawy odniosło się wiele polskich organizacji pozarządowych, między innymi:

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Posted on Sun 22 October 2017 in 火箭加速器下载官网 • 9 min read

Note: If you are not comfortable with YouTube's <iframe>s in this blogpost below please install Privacy Badger browser addon.


who and when

When it comes to the Hackerspace / Makerspace movement there are few names known as well as Mitch Altman's. He co-founded 火箭加速器 安卓 官网, one of the oldest, most colorful and vibrant hackerspaces in the US and shared his experiences in Hackerspace Design Patterns talk. As a long-time anarchist and engineer hating television, he invented TV-B-Gone, a remote control capable of turning off any TV.

Mitch keeps traveling the world, visiting hacker- and maker-spaces, creative communities and anarchist squats, holding basic electronic workshops, panels on the hacker movement and overcoming depression. There's probably no other person in the world who inspired creation of as many tech communities as Mitch himself.

This year Mitch was invited as a speaker to 火箭加速器下载官网, a Warsaw-based conference on copyright and patents that took place from the 28th to the 29th of September. He decided to spend three more weeks in Poland, giving talks and holding workshops in Warsaw …

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Radykalne przedłużanie życia - debata

Posted on Wed 18 January 2017 in misc • 1 min read

Skupiwszy się ostatnio na zupełnie innych projektach, nie wspomniałem o swoim udziale w 火箭加速器官网 organizowanym przez Centrum Nauki Kopernik w Warszawie między 1 a 4 września 2016.

Na panelu "Radykalne przedłużanie życia" dyskutowałem z dr Grażyną Mosieniak z Instytutu Biologii Doświadczalnej imienia M. Nenckiego PAN. Pani doktor przedstawiała punkt widzenia naukowca zajmującego się starzeniem, ja sam zaś transhumanisty, starającego się działać na rzecz medycyny regeneracyjnej poza Akademią.

Razem dość zgodnie proponowaliśmy wprowadzenie w debacie publicznej podziału na długość życia (lifespan) oraz długość zdrowego życia (healthspan) - żadna z których nie powinna być pominięta. Rozmawialiśmy o kierunkach rozwoju nauk o starzeniu się, szczególnie ruchu dr Aubreya de Greya opisanym w książce Ending Aging (EN), organizacjach takich jak SENS i 火箭加速器.

Jako osoba związana z ruchami otwartej nauki wielokrotnie podkreślałem, jak krytyczne jest podnoszenie jakości produkowanej wiedzy przez strategie Otwartego Dostępu do publikowanych artykułów i danych. Warto też pamiętać, że gdy już opracujemy odpowiednie technologie, ważne będzie zapewnienie dostępu do nich, unikając wielokrotnego przedłużania patentów medycznych - co jak na razie dzieje się tylko w kilku krajach …

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NeuroOn analysis - results and discussion

Posted on Mon 19 December 2016 in misc • 18 min read

Updated twice, last on 21 December 2016. Notes below.

tl;dr - So, does it work?!

NeuroOn, the self-proclaimed "world's first smart sleep mask" isn't a medical grade device, but it's much better than a coin toss.

Its total accuracy in detecting sleep stages is 65%.

One of the biggest problems with NeuroOn is that when used as an alarm clock almost every third time (31.6%) it will choose the worst possible moment for waking, assuring lack of energy and grogginess1 after awakening.

Comparing NeuroOn's sleep stage results to a professional polysomnography2 scored by a human expert:

When polysomnography detects a sleep phase suitable for waking up, NeuroOn agrees in 73.8% of the cases. In the rest 26.2% it isn't a big deal, since it will just wait until the next good opportunity to wake you up.

When polysomnography says not to wake the user up, NeuroOn agrees in 68.4%. In the rest 火箭加速器下载官网 - nearly a third of all cases - it could try to wake the user, resulting in …

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Posted on Sun 04 December 2016 in misc • 1 min read

Winding up the long-overdue NeuroOn's signal research together with Ryszard Cetnarski from Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Warsaw (github profile) we created a scientific poster summarizing our findings. We presented it at the 6th International Conference "Aspects of Neuroscience" (link) taking place between 25-27th of November in Warsaw, Poland.


Just as the research notebook itself is freely available on Github and licensed under MIT License, our poster is released as completely open, under a little bit more restrictive CC-BY-SA license.

Since our research wasn't criticized beyond data representation methods on the course of several months, it should be safe to assume that it's ready to present to a wider audience. On the course of the following week you may expect a full NeuroOn verification summary blogpost with results explained in simple terms, leaving no ambiguities regarding the device.

The poster is available in PDF, SVG and AI.


Posted on Wed 27 July 2016 in misc • 11 min read

Note: I am still working on NeuroOn signal analysis. You can expect to see the hypnogram1 comparisons first together with time-synchronized signal files and all the code in an open Jupyter Notebook2


As a long time Citizen Science and Open Source supporter I love the idea of Hackerspaces3 - collaboration workspaces allowing individuals to work on their own technical projects, sharing tools and knowledge. I consider them a vital counterpart to Academic research labs, where people are not bound by strict rules and grants. Hackerspaces excel in very disorganized research and development of various IT and electronic projects, producing a lot of open designs and proof of concepts4.

Many researchers point out that it is possible only due to the nature of IT and electronics allowing rapid prototyping and near-instantaneous results - something which couldn't be replicated in more time-consuming experimental sciences such as chemistry and biology. I'd like to disagree with that point. While it is impossible to achieve the same speed of prototyping as in IT or electronics …

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NeuroOn analysis - introduction and sources

Posted on Mon 27 June 2016 in misc • 10 min read

Edit 29.09.2016

The analysis and all the data files are available for peer review at my Github.


I was intending to start a blog for a long time, kept back by the feeling that I didn't really have anything valuable to share. This changed when I found a Polish startup - NeuroOn1 over two years ago. My first post2 expressed all the hopes I had for the sleep mask and skepticism at the clear disregard for scientific standards of its creators. Since it consists mostly of quotes I don't want to risk misinterpretation of IntelClinic employees by translating it fully. I ended it with the following paragraph:

The NeuroOn sleep mask cannot work exactly as advertised - it cannot utilize a proper EEG signal. While it can detect a REM phase in sleep very roughly, it's very far from reliable sleep analysis. The majority of the population isn't able to achieve polyphasic sleep, since their brains aren't capable of that. A similar thing goes with lucid dreaming. NeuroOn at its best …

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Second steps in React

Posted on Fri 10 June 2016 in 火箭加速器官网 • 1 min read

For some time I've been using React JS stack in my professional projects at X-Team and I decided to share some knowledge. React is just one piece piece of puzzle, requiring Redux, React-Router, Webpack and Babel to create truly interesting architecture. I've met many people having problems with grasping that, struggling to go beyond simple component state of their application. Since I had similar problems learning this modular approach, I decided to give a short presentation on the topic.


Initially given on April 27th in a wonderful Noisebridge hackerspace, I updated it a little after React Europe 2016 and presented again at MeetJS Warsaw on the 7th of June 2016.

The presented application of React + Redux is just a simple view authentication method, which nicely highlights the simplicity of the architecture. All links - including "by then you should know" are clickable, so feel free to browse sources recommended by me. All code itself is either runnable or has a pseudocode warning on the slide.

Slides are available in an iframe below or at my slides …

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SurviveJS - a guide to modern web development with React and Webpack

Posted on Sun 31 January 2016 in misc • 3 min read

ios小火箭(Shadowrocket)无需美区苹果ID下载安装教程-免费 ...:2021-4-21 · ios小火箭(Shadowrocket)无需美区苹果ID下载安装教程:方法一、使用爱思助手安装小火箭(Shadowrocket),方法二、使用PP助手安装小火箭(Shadowrocket) 暂不推荐,亲测难度较大

I never really got what's so good in React and Webpack, even though I've completed the tutorials before. I got myself to understand ES6 and BabelJS, but never intuitively realized the potential of const and modules, even though my taxBrackets project uses a lot of their functions.


There are lots of great tutorials and showcases of various tools, showing how each of them can simplify and speed up the development. Still - nothing can replace seeing an experienced professional make most of his toolbox and guide you through their work process.

火箭加速器官方下载_火箭加速器电脑版下载 v3.0.0.9 官方版 ...:2021-6-4 · 1、极致的加速器体验,保持网络稳定流畅; 2、24小时安全防护,保护您的真实IP; 3、专线覆盖超稳定,多条线路随心选。 安装方法 1、在本站下载火箭加速器官方安装包 2、使用压缩软件进行解压(推荐使用winrar) 3、点击“STNetSpeeder.exe”文件开始安装

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2021海外如何玩国服《火箭联盟》 | Malus加速器唯一官方 ...:2021-7-7 · 2021最新海外玩国服火箭联盟游戏的教程,帮你加速火箭联盟游戏,全程开启火箭联盟不掉线不卡顿,50W用户的选择,海外各个国家地区实测有效,稳定快速,海棠Malus回国加速器致力于帮助海外华人和留学生提供加速中国大陆音视频的服务,可众在海外流畅使用中国的网站和音视频服务,提供专业 ...

Posted on Fri 15 January 2016 in misc • 3 min read

Hah, my first technical post on the blog, even if very lame :)

During the last year's elections in Poland a truly leftist party surfaced for the first time in decades, proposing to raise the taxes with a progressive tax system. It turned out that a lot of Poles didn't know how such a system works and became terrified by the thought of a 75% tax for the richest.

That convinced me to create some kind of visualization of various tax systems - be in flat or progressive. This is an early stage effect of my works: TaxBrackets 0.1, available at my Github.


I've been meaning to sit down and work it out for months, and starting wasn't easy - the most important factor was a clear and simple design. It had to present an average person how the tax brackets are distributed in their gross salary. Iterating between versions with varying level of details I finally settled on relative simple one, which shouldn't feel crowded.

I wanted to create two view modes: 'general', showcasing the sum …

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Wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie w biznesie [pl]

Posted on Thu 14 January 2016 in misc • 6 min read

EDIT: Dla ciekawych zagadnienia ten artykuł może być dobrą kontynuacją. Nie zgadzam się ze wszystkimi jego tezami (security through obscurity nie istnieje), jest natomiast naprawdę wyczerpujący.

Artykuł ten został napisany na prośbę działu Technologii Finansowych Wprost.pl i objęty jest licencją CC-BY-SA 4.0 pozwalającą również na użycie komercyjne. Byłbym wdzięczny za poinformowanie mnie, jeżeli zostałby wykorzystany poza tym blogiem i wprost.pl.

Przeciętny użytkownik komputera nie poświęca wiele uwagi licencjom oprogramowania, jakiego używa. Jest dla niego zupełnie naturalne, że pewne - jak system Windows czy pakiet antywirusowy - powinien zakupić, inne zaś może legalnie ściągnąć z Sieci. Część z nich będzie wyświetlała reklamy, inne przy instalacji podrzucą też do systemu dodatkowy toolbar czy aplikację partnera. Jest jednak i oprogramowanie, które mimo że bezpłatne - nie posunie się do żadnej z tych rzeczy. Należy do niego większość przeglądarek internetowych - być może najważniejszych dla zwykłego użytkownika aplikacji.

Przeglądarki te - jak 火箭加速器官网 czy Chromium (znana większości pod marką Google Chrome) objęte są licencjami z rodziny open source. Ich kod źródłowy jest dostępny dla każdego - co oznacza, że są one …

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Posted on Sat 02 January 2016 in misc • 16 min read

Gated Communities

Just after Christmas, between 27 and 30 of December a city of Hamburg, Germany hosted a 32nd edition of Chaos Communication Congress, an annual meeting of hackers, security researchers, freedom activists and tech-savvy artists. This year's theme was "Gated Communities" - from social network walled gardens, vendor locking and filter bubbles to increasingly fragmented societies through Europe and the world.

Even with its usual uncontrollable energy of over nine thousand people buzzing around a variety of stalls, workshops, talks and gatherings - this year's Congress seemed dimmed and bleak. Once mad prophets of state surveillance are now proven right by the Snowden revelations and they are not happy about that. Facebook, Google and other corporations are centralizing the Internet again, and it's becoming even harder to fight their pull. No one believes in simple solutions any longer. Quoting one of the talks:

I love heroes. I love superheroes. I love comics. But unfortunately, this is not realistic in such a situation. We need to work hard.

Katharina Nocun discussing Diaspora*

If you just want to …

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Posted on Thu 05 November 2015 in misc • 7 min read

On 25th October 2015 Poland held its 8th free parliamentary elections after regaining independence. With a lot of discussion on the country's situation and the previous ruling party (the Civic Platform) clearly stepping down, I decided to make my voice heard. The following text is a translation from Polish with several sentences expanded for more clarity, created with a great help of Piotr Nowak.

火箭加速器 A few months before the elections a new political party, called Razem (Together) was brought to life. Their formation is completely grassroots and they made a point of not accepting any of the politicians from other parties, just activists from all over the country. Quoting Wikipedia:

The party advocates labor rights and opposes deregulation and privatisation of public services. Among its main goals are strengthening redistribution, adopting a 35-hour workweek, raising the income tax threshold to 12,000 PLN (ca. $3,200), establishing progressive corporate tax, and creating a healthcare programme funded directly from the state budget. It also wishes to completely remove special economic zones from Poland. The party's …

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Rational Transhumanism

Posted on Tue 28 April 2015 in misc • 6 min read

Quoting Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia :

Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

I've been considering myself a transhumanist for several years now, working towards the transhumanist values in most activities I consciously undertook. While the initial fascination came to me from some excellent hard science-fiction novels, I learned the philosophy from Eliezer Yudkowsky's Simplified Humanism notion and LessWrong community. Very early in my activism I learned to see a strong distinction between the fiction and philopsophy, hoping instead of believing and taking action today.

I've had a pleasure of working with some excellent people in the field, inter alia Anton Kulaga, founder of Ukrainian transhumanist movement, and with his help - doctor Aubrey de Grey, the founder of 火箭加速器 安卓 官网 and a well-known biogerontology pioneer and promoter. I've seen a dozens of educational actions showing regular people the importance of longevity research, took part in …

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CryptoParty in Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

Posted on Sun 11 January 2015 in misc • 4 min read


At the very end of the previous year I was invited by a Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw to conduct a 火箭加速器 安卓 官网 at the finissage of "Privacy settings" exhibition. I'm very glad that the organizers thought about educating their guests and showing them a real face of the Internet, not only phrased as a contemporary work of art.

Since CryptoParty may mean many things - and I've attended a workshop about it during the 31C3 - it was important to have a clear vision in mind. As the form of workshop was unfavorable in the Museum's conditions: more than 40 predicted guests with almost no prior knowledge and only 90 minutes for the event - I decided to go with a lecture in four parts. I tried to design it this way so every section would build on the previous, and each was more optional for a normal user.

The first one - an introduction - answered a question: why. What is the threat? For whom? Why is it so? Naming cyber-criminals, corporations and government agencies, telling a little …

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PyConPL 2014 - mediocre hiring grounds for corporations

Posted on Tue 04 November 2014 in conference, python • 6 min read

A beautiful, mountainous landscape of Szczyrk, Poland held the 7th edition of PyConPL, a conference for Python programmers. It's become a regular event in a Polish pythonista's calendar, and still holds its well-deserved reputation of hopeless mediocrity. This year its corporate sponsorship became plainly visible - if not aggressive, not even trying to pretend it's not about hiring.

It certainly didn't hold to any international standards, even with the most basic aspect: language of the talks. Even though about 30% of the attendees didn't speak Polish, nearly half of the talks and workshops weren't held in English. What could pass in a strictly local meetup, such as Code Carrots or even PyWaw shouldn't have taken place on a nation-wide conference with a lot of English speakers invited.

The absurdity of such decision may be best summarized by the opening talk, where one of the organisers stated:

I'm honoured to welcome you to the PyConPL! Yet, since it's a Polish conference, I will hold the rest of my speech in Polish...

Which left some attendees (including me …

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5th Offtopicarium - approaches to science

Posted on Wed 01 October 2014 in misc • 7 min read

I'm writing this article on a train, coming back from the very latest Offtopicarium, a Polish conference organized by scientists about sciences, but not exactly scientific. Held in both Polish and English (participants choose language they prefer), it's quite an intimate event, gathering no more than 25 people, 90% of whom with an active academic background.

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A good example of the latter kind is a presentation about Science Communication (also Promotion and Education) by Michal Krupinski, as it painted all the contrasts between the Warsaw and Cracow approach to promoting scientific discoveries and knowledge.

On the other hand, Błażej …

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Sprostowanie artykułu w Bloombergu

Posted on Mon 15 September 2014 in 火箭加速器 安卓 官网 • 1 min read

I would like to correct the information: I never claimed to be a graduate of Neuroinformatics from the University of Warsaw.

W 37 numerze czasopisma Bloomberg Businessweek Polska, w artykule "Halo, halo, pobudka!" zamieszczony został między innymi wywiad ze mną. O ile jest to (całkowicie zrozumiale) wycinek z mojej ponad godzinnej rozmowy z dziennikarzem Bloomberga, chciałbym zaznaczyć, że w żadnym momencie nie twierdziłem, że jestem 火箭加速器官网 Neuroinformatyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Informacja ta nie została przeze mnie autoryzowana.

Wszystkich przepraszam za nieporozumienie.

Cały artykuł dostępny jest niestety jedynie w wersji papierowej lub za paywallem. Poza wyżej wymienionym błędem wydaje się on dość rzetelny i wyważony, nie faworyzując żadnej ze stron - zwolenników ani przeciwników NeuroOna. Słusznie twierdzi on na zakończenie, że o sukcesie bądź porażce NeuroOna mówić można dopiero po rozesłaniu zamówionych masek i podliczeniu wydatków.

Cyborg's daily problems: the story

Posted on Mon 01 September 2014 in misc • 5 min read

We used to read about technologies radically changing our bodies and minds in science fiction. With time, such ideas started appearing in scientific journals, often bizarrely misinterpreted by journalists, claiming impending telekinesis or telepathy for everybody. They stayed out of scopes of normal people's lives, with a status of almost a legend, not closer than Moon landing or Mars exploration.

Very few people are aware that technologies such as cyborgization (and I'm not afraid to use that word) are available now and are a way of treating very real patients in the hospitals. These aren't shiny, chromed implants* allowing to throw cars around and jump over buildings - these are medical devices used to treat conditions we weren't able to cure before. And they come with all the drawbacks of regular health insurance: you have to wait two months to have a knee surgery? Well, a cyborg has to wait over a year to get new batteries.

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Several months ago I met a …

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NeuroOn: król jest nagi!

Posted on Sun 27 July 2014 in misc • 7 min read

Cytat usunięty na prośbę autora. Całość konwersacji na temat NeuroOna znajduje się w linkach poniżej.

W grudniu 2013 roku na Kickstarterze pojawił się głośno zapowiadany projekt polskiego startupu 小火箭加速: NeuroOn. Wspaniale rozkręcony marketingowo produkt obiecujący przynieść współczesnym ludziom to, czego potrzebują chyba najbardziej: więcej czasu. Czasu, który mieliby zdobyć nie marnując go na sen, bo przecież jest to jawne jego marnotrawstwo, czyż nie?

Bez zbędnego opisywania naprawdę dobrze zrobionej kampanii, która mówi sama za siebie, skupię się na jej istocie. Jest nią bowiem maska, która za pomocą trzech suchych elektrod umieszczonych na łuku brwiowym / czole mierzy sygnały EEG (fal mózgowych), EOG (ruchów oczu) oraz EMG (ruchów mięśni twarzy). Następnie przetwarzane są one przez "wzmacniacz biologiczny”, który decyduje, jak wybudzić nas tak, abyśmy mimo małej ilości snu byli rześcy i wypoczęci.

Przedłużone stosowanie NeuroOna ma prowadzić do wyćwiczenia się i redukcji potrzeby bezsensownego leżenia z zamkniętymi oczami do nie więcej niż czterech godzin dziennie! Posiada on także dodatkowe tryby, mogące umożliwić między innymi uzyskanie świadomego snu.

To wszystko za jedyne $250. Albo $700 dla wścibskich naukowców …

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